"Not everyone is a country music fan, so I find it a fun challenge to learn a well-known song and put my spin on it, people seem to love it." - Sally Jane

Posted: February 25, 2022
Iā€™m only 20 so my life experiences are so far limited but I have been fortunate to have an opportunity to write about my journey as it unfolds.
Guitar Thrills Magazine
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Often you read interviews, bios, or podcasts about an artist with a new sound. The artist is ready to shake up the music industry. After a few years, the music industry makes the artist adapt to what is popular now. This leaves artists chasing their tails. Is there something that they are missing? I thought I had talent. Is it the way I look, talk, or dress? The answer is not. There is nothing wrong with you ā€œper seā€. If you have talent, and you are authentic then there shouldnā€™t be anything about your music that should change. If you sing from your soul, then you have a style of your own. Donā€™t become part of the problem. Donā€™t fill the music industry with white noise. They have enough of it.

Unless you are an artist like Sally Jane. From the moment I heard her voice, it was nothing but a breath of fresh air. Her sound was clean. Her lyrics are clear. Sally Jane is authentic and always has been. I have been a fan of Sally Janes for many years. She hasnā€™t adapted to the country music industry. She does things her way. Guess what? It works. Apparently, there are thousands of fans that also think the same way.

If there are creative artists, that are always willing to test the standard for a particular genre, there will always be a variation of sound and lyrics. That is where authenticity comes into play. Again, for example, Sally Jane. However, when testing the standard of sound and lyrics for a particular genre, it isnā€™t always easy to sell it. To the consumer, the sale should be easy. They are going to buy or download, what sounds good to the ear. Unless the consumer is pressured into believing that the ā€œwhite noiseā€, is now the acceptable sound that consumers want to hear. The message is incorrect because the consumer wants to hear music from an artist with authenticity. They want a unique sound.


Guitar Thrills: Thank you for taking the time to interview with Guitar Thrills Magazine. I must admit, just hearing your music is refreshing to my ears. I believe that your sound will be embraced by all sorts of music enthusiasts. Have you had any feedback from the venues that you have performed for thus far? If so, would you like to share with us their opinion regarding your performances?

Sally Jane: Thank you so much for having me on the April edition of Guitar Thrills Magazine. At every venue I have performed at so far, I always receive many positive comments from bar staff and patrons. Not everyone is a country music fan, so I find it a fun challenge to learn a well-known song and put my spin on it, people seem to love it. I have had a great response from my original songs too and I love it so much when someone in the audience sings my song with me. It is so much fun being on stage and every time I am up there, I give it my all. The most common response we receive is that ā€˜I am the real deal, Iā€™m not pretending to be someone else, I sing my songs my way, I donā€™t wear makeup and the clothes I wear are the same I wear day to day at home or riding my horse. What you see is what you get, which I think attracted my sponsors Thomas Cook and Wrangler Western to reach out to me.

Guitar Thrills: Almost every singer/songwriter refers to life experiences or something that draws out their feelings in a song. Whether the emotions be positive or negative it helps their listeners to relate to the lyrics. What do you recall is the one single emotion that you rely on for helping you create such influential music and sound?

Sally Jane: Iā€™m only 20 so my life experiences are so far limited but I have been fortunate to have an opportunity to write about my journey as it unfolds. I am an emotional writer and like to express my emotion into song and believe the audience can feel that. A recent song I wrote ā€˜Too Youngā€™ is about experiencing the loss of a young friendā€™s life way too early and my thoughts of Iā€™m also too young to be experiencing this.

Guitar Thrills: Do you develop your music based upon what is popular, or do you follow your own lead?

Sally Jane: Nowadays there are so many different genres just within country music. I sometimes use a mix of styles within my songs which makes them a little different like in my recent release ā€œKiss You When the Rain Comesā€ a song I wrote for the farmers struggling in the droughts. The lyrics are about struggle, hope, and slightly Gospel. When you listen to the music there are techno sounds that created the effects of rain along with an uplifting country-rock melody to emphasize hope. I love the result and it was popular with listeners launching it to #1 on the AMRAP Regional Radio Charts here in Australia. I love experimenting with different sounds and jumping outside of my comfort zone, but I also love the vibe of traditional country music and the telling of stories.

Guitar Thrills: You are not a new artist. You have had many excellent releases. Have you ever had an urge to try changing your authentic sound to accommodate the music industry? If so, why? Or why not

Sally Jane: Slowly but surely, I am creating a fan base and the reason why people are following me is because of my music so I must be doing something right. If Iā€™m not 100% confident with the product I am releasing, then I think my audience wonā€™t like it. The music industry is constantly changing, and it would be impossible to keep up with it all. Just being myself and working hard then the success that I want will eventually happen and Iā€™m looking forward to that journey. Being an artist is about taking the audience on a journey and giving them an experience, the audience has enjoyed my expression, so Iā€™ll keep singing the way I do. My style is me; I am now sponsored by an indigenous-veteran-owned brewery that is unique in that they infuse native Australian botanicals into their beer range, our recent media release is ā€˜Spinifex Beer and Sally Jane Music, taking the tastes and sounds of Australia to the worldā€™.

Guitar Thrills: Which specific areas or regions do you already have an established following? Also, is there specific regions, that which you would like to grow your listeners?

Sally Jane: Iā€™m from a small town called Serpentine in Western Australia and am lucky to make friends through music. I regularly gig around my local areas and travel across Australia by road each year to Tamworth for our big CM festival. I love the journey itā€™s around 6000 miles return from West to East so a decent time to build life experience and write more tunes. Iā€™m also excited to be heading north to the Pilbara and Broome for my Debut EP, tour once again a big drive from the bottom to the top of Australia. I love to travel and canā€™t wait to head to America as Nashville is one of my big dreams. I already have a small following in America and Europe but would love to grow and spread my music as much as possible.

Guitar Thrills: Do you have any upcoming releases that you would like your fans to know about?

Sally Jane: I do! My final release from my debut EP is now available for pre-order and is to be released on the 25th of March just in time for my upcoming Pilbara tour. I wrote this song on my way to the Tamworth Country Music Festival in 2020 and is all about having ā€œNo Timeā€ for negative things in life. To pre-order and purchase you can find the link in my Instagram bio or come to one of my gigs and purchase a CD.

Guitar Thrills: It has been my experience, that there is nothing like a live performance that will increase the likelihood of your reach or popularity. If fans were so inclined to come and see you in person, where could they go to enjoy a night out, and to hear some amazing music by Sally Jane?

Sally Jane: My website is updated regularly with all my upcoming performances under the gig guide tab or you can follow me on social media @sallyjanemusic for my monthly gig poster and upcoming releases. I love it when a fan finds me through social media, comes to a gig, and gives me a Gā€™day, thatā€™s when I know Iā€™m on the right track.

Guitar Thrills: There is nothing more important than the name you make with your audience. Music fans everywhere, must be able to connect with the name of the artist. Do you identify yourself as Sally Jane or Sally?

Sally Jane: My stage name is Sally Jane as it makes it easier to find me on social media, but most people just call me Sal or Sally, I donā€™t mind either way.

Guitar Thrills: I want to take a moment to thank you for answering some questions for us today. I believe that this sets up the foundation for us to get to know you more soon. It is our intention to keep your fans up to date with your music career. Would you consider an interview for the near future?

Sally Jane: As an emerging artist in the music industry from Australia, I would like to thank you for your support, it really is appreciated. I would love to do another interview with us and look forward to one day traveling to the United States and dropping in for a chat.

Guitar Thrills: That is great to hear. We look forward to it. Thanks again for your valuable time.

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