"Mental health issues can be disguised as so many other things, ..... learn to listen to your body AND mind." - KOTA

Posted: July 25, 2024
I like to mix a lot of different genres, bringing a very eclectic vibe to the table. Some of my songs are more rock inspired and some are more pop, but I try to let the songs steer me instead of vise versa, so you never know what will come next!
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Unfortunately, the stigma of poor mental health is often associated with something negative and mark of disgrace”. Which I am not quite sure why people would think this way. No one has ever asked for the effects that come with poor mental health. The wide range of effects that come from poor mental health are devastating in nature. When individuals experience poor mental health, they may start to withdraw and can experience debilitating symptoms such as depression and anxiety. Poor mental health can also affect physical health, as individuals might react by neglecting their physical health through inconsistent eating habits, poor hygiene, and general malaise.

Poor mental health is different for everyone. While there are some similarities, person will not experience it the same way. Poor mental health and its symptoms are unlike anything you could imagine. Some may classify depression or anxiety in a way that seems normal. Let’s face it, most people who experience depression or society, will do so for a short-term. Often, they have control over their mind and outlook while they experience it. Those who “suffer” from depression or anxiety do so on a level that you could never comprehend.

Have you heard someone say, they went through a dark period in their life? Well, that is could be a battle of depression. Everything you feel, is dark. There is no hope, and no will. All the things you enjoy, no longer provide you with hope or joy. The objects that surround you, seem far away and obsolete. There is no connection to reality with poor mental health.

This article is about awareness, and hope. If you know someone battling poor mental health, try to relate to what they are experiencing. No one is asking you to feel their pain. Don’t try to understand it. Because you won’t. Just be there and ensure them that they will get better. Guarantee them, that they will get through it. At least, they will get to the point, where it is manageable. HOPE is not built upon unrealistic outcomes. There is clear evidence for why someone with poor mental health will get better. Despite how bad it may seem. Break down each day in a series of 15 minutes or longer. Just get through the first 15 minutes. Then focus on what you will do for the next 15 minutes. Eventually, the entire day will have past you by, and with treatment, things will get better. I GUARANTEE YOU, THEY WILL. You must keep up your normal day to day routine. Even if you feel like you can’t. A regular routine is what will enable
you to continue fighting.

This is my input on this topic. I am not a doctor, nor should you hesitate from seeing one. There is no shame in seeing a specialist. This is the only way you will feel better. Do not forget that you are loved.

Our guest today is someone, that is making mental awareness her mission. This isn’t a topic she decided one day to get behind. It personally has touched her life. Let’s find out about our guest KOTA.


Dynamic and genre-defying artist KOTA! known for her infectious blend of rock-pop fusion, is excited to share the new video for her new single “Killin It." The single is available now on all streaming platforms for any playlist shares. The song is inspired by a tarot reading that sparked a conversation about strength and empowerment. “Killin It” is a tribute to resilience in the face of societal challenges and showcases KOTA!'s signature style and reflects her deep-seated passion for music and storytelling.

The song’s video was directed by Los Angeles-based renowned cinematography Shelby Parks, who has worked with artists such as Set It Off, Crywolf, Echos, and more. Creating uniquely cinematic videos is Shelby's forte, bringing together a mix of knowledge from her extensive directing experience and background.

On the video KOTA! says, "When making this video, my goal was to showcase my own little world from my imagination," says KOTA!. "I wanted the ultimate girl power energy, drawing inspiration from 'Sucker Punch' and 'Sailor Moon,' creating a world where anyone can be powerful and fight dragons!" I wanted the world to almost feel like a video game, eventually leveling up to your most powerful self! Mixing in elements of cyberpunk style in a dystopian world helped to bring the whole vision together.”

Produced in collaboration with Asa Bennett, the track combines heavy riffs, catchy pop melodies, and anthemic rock energy, reminiscent of influences like No Doubt and Nirvana. KOTA! shares, "This song is for all of us who have been pushed down by society, and I hope it’ll especially be a girl power anthem!" 

Describing the creative process behind "Killin It," KOTA! recalls, "The tag line, 'I’m killin’ it,' came immediately—it seemed like the perfect anthem lyric to show off the strength we all have inside." Drawing from her diverse musical upbringing and early experiences in the industry, KOTA! has crafted a song that resonates with authenticity and power.

Growing up KOTA! would listen to the radio with her parents, easily recognizing her favorite bands and songs. With both parents being writers (screenwriting and nonfiction) , she was immersed in a creative environment from a young age, often spending time on sets (horror short movies) and crafting her own stories. 

By the age of five, KOTA! was already writing, and by nine, she was recording her original songs in a family friend’s recording studio in her childhood hometown of Albuquerque, New Mexico. This early start marked the beginning of a lifelong journey in music, one characterized by constant experimentation and growth across various genres.

Throughout her teenage years, KOTA! explored a wide range of musical styles. She studied dance, wrote pop songs, and played in numerous high school garage bands. Over the past 15+ years, her involvement in both solo and band projects has helped her develop a unique songwriting style that seamlessly blends the diverse elements of her musical education.

Now based in California, KOTA! is known for her distinctive fashion sense and vibrant persona. KOTA! infuses her music with a mix of girly and grunge aesthetics, drawing inspiration from icons like Gwen Stefani and Alexander McQueen. Her recently released single "Dead Pretty" encapsulates her vibrant persona with the line, “Everything is better with some glitter on your face.”

Looking ahead, KOTA! is eagerly preparing to bring her new material to live audiences, with plans to embark on a tour in 2025. KOTA! has seen, done, and experienced it all in her time as an artist. She finds no greater joy than making an impact on her fans, affectionately known as her "besties," whether it’s at a live show or through an Instagram DM. Everything she does is fueled by her love for each one of her supporters. With a heart full of gratitude and creativity, KOTA! is ready to take the music world by storm.


Guitar Thrills: Hi KOTA. I am very proud of you for taking up this mission. This is something that is affecting many of us to some degree. We want to help others who are battling through the symptoms of poor mental health. There are some who would shy away from this topic, even if it affected them personally.

Guitar Thrills: What are your recommendations for those that are battling the symptoms from poor mental health?

KOTA: The first thing I would recommend is a psychiatrist! Therapy is great as well, but if you don’t see a psychiatrist first to know your individual issues, you may be shooting in the dark to find and work with the right therapist for you! I also recommend yoga and meditation to integrate into a self care routine for your body and mind. 

Guitar Thrills: Not everyone will recognize the signs. It could occur immediately, or over a period. What specific signs have you discovered, to help others identify that they need professional assistance?

KOTA: For a lot of women especially, mental health issues can be disguised as so many other things, like hormones, chronic illness, etc., so you have to learn to really listen to your body AND your mind. We’re more in tune with ourselves than we realize, so don’t let the outside world influence or tell you how you’re feeling.

Guitar Thrills: What is the message that you are sending to those that you speak with?

KOTA: Most importantly, you are never ever alone! As unique as every person’s experience is, there’s still always someone who can relate from their own experiences. Find a community, find your people, and lift each other up together!

Guitar Thrills: Have you had feedback from someone experiencing symptoms of poor mental health, contact you?

KOTA: Yes! I’m so honored and touched that people often come to me often for advice, or just a listening ear. My inbox is always open, and I try to get back to everyone that I can because I know how hard it is to reach out.

Guitar Thrills: Why do you think there is a stigma behind mental health?

KOTA: I think it’s still so misunderstood. For example, I’m diagnosed with Bipolar 2, and the questions I get about it are still ridiculous and come from a place of old ideals and misinformation. Anything that feels “other” is always going to be misunderstood by those who aren’t part of the experience, but I think more and more, people are realizing that things about themselves may be part of a bigger mental health picture.

Guitar Thrills: Would you personally recognize the symptoms of poor mental health? Some specialists say, being depressed, is not the typical disorder of depression. How do you distinguish between them both?

KOTA: Mental health can absolutely look like ANYTHING! It’s becoming more well known at this point that even the most successful, funny, outgoing, famous, loving people are still affected by mental health issues, so it can be very hard to understand the signs. I think being open and listening to what those around you are saying and feeling is the best way to get insight into their mental health. Often, common signs are change of appetite or sleep, so if you or someone you love isn’t eating or sleeping normally, definitely look into it.

Guitar Thrills: Thank you for the insight into a personal subject that has affected many people. 

Guitar Thrills: Lastly, what is your message to anyone out there reading this article? Maybe there is someone experiencing it, and they do not know that they can beat this. What would you say to them, that alter their course in life?

KOTA: You got this!!! You’re not alone!!! There are millions of people out there waiting to talk and be heard, so there will always be somebody to help. Do not be afraid to reach out, whether it be to friends, a doctor, a local shelter, parent, or a hotline. Those who care about your happiness will never judge you.

Guitar Thrills: Now, regarding your professional career. What are some main points that you focus on with your new video “Killin It.” What is the message behind the song? 

KOTA:  The message behind the track, is that you are powerful! Nothing can stop you! It’s an anthem for those who have been told no, or been called small, to take back the power within all of us.

Guitar Thrills: I know you have also been a successful artist. What have you been accomplishing in the music industry? I know you have recent releases; would you like to talk about them?

KOTA: I’ve been lucky to have so many different experiences in the industry over the years, learning and growing from each one! I dropped my first single as KOTA! in May, “Dead Pretty”. It’s an anthemic and ironic take on the music industry itself, and how everything is so manufactured and corrupt. 

Guitar Thrills: What has been that one resource of inspiration that has gotten you to where you are today?

KOTA: My supporters, 10000%! I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from making art, regardless, but the messages and love that I get because I make music that affects people, is one of the biggest things that keep me going when I don’t think I can anymore.

Guitar Thrills: How would you describe your sound? 

KOTA: I like to mix a lot of different genres, bringing a very eclectic vibe to the table. Some of my songs are more rock inspired and some are more pop, but I try to let the songs steer me instead of vise versa, so you never know what will come next!

Guitar Thrills: You are unique. Which is what caught our attention. We are happy that you took the time to interview with us today. With that said we want to continue to follow your path and encourage you to reach out to us when you have music to promote. Thank you for your time.

KOTA: Thank you so much for giving me this platform to share my music and my message!

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