Does a person who is a “catalyst for change” need to be popular or a public figure?

Posted: August 1, 2024
April Kae, the Los Angeles-based bassist and singer is an extraordinary talent who is rapidly establishing herself as a powerhouse musician and catalyst for social change. April is an undeniable its girl. 
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Catalyst for change - Also called a Change Champion, it can be described as an element that makes it imperative for organizations to embrace change. 

Catalyst for change can be both external and internal. External catalyst for change can be new technology advancements that completely alter the business landscape. However, we normally apply the term for change within ourselves. Unless you are referring to some political or business agenda. Anything political will remain a neutral topic for Guitar Thrills Magazine. This is one place where politics will not find a home. Therefore, we will focus on changes that an individual can make to improve themselves and the environment they live in. 

Does a person who is a “catalyst for change” need to be popular or a public figure? Do they need to come from the entertainment or music industry? While some notable names or personalities can be effective when implementing change, it is not necessary. Being a “Change Champion” is within your grasp, and there isn’t any reason why you can’t get involved. There is no reason why you cannot identify in yourself or others, specific areas for change. 

Since the inception of Guitar Thrills Magazine, change of character has been a HUGE focus for me. You can have all the talent in the world. But if you lack the character to back it up, you lost me completely. I speak from experience. Which is one of the reasons why my focus has shifted back to Indie artists. These are the ones that “Change Champions” can help before they lose any ounce of humility. 

Now, it is important to note, that Guitar Thrills Magazine would never encourage hate for someone that is not open to change. It is up to everyone to decide for themselves, if they willing to implement change in their life. 

Recently, I was reading up on a bassist named April Kae. I was impressed with her talent. However, I wanted to dig a little deeper as to who she is as a person. What is she made of? Once I read her BIO it was obvious that she would be an artist I would love to interview. 


April Kae, the Los Angeles-based bassist and singer is an extraordinary talent who is rapidly establishing herself as a powerhouse musician and catalyst for social change. April is an undeniable its girl. 

Originally from Austin, Texas, April was raised in a family rich with musical prowess. Immersed in the soul-stirring melodies of Aretha Franklin and Stevie Wonder, these influential legends ignited April’s passion for music and the bass guitar. 

April picked up the bass as a teenager. She borrowed basses for her first few years of playing, reflecting the challenges she faced growing up—it was precisely this struggle that fueled her determination and resilience. In addition to playing bass in jazz band and orchestra at school, and all city jazz band in the mornings, April was deep in the Austin punk scene, harnessing her passion as an activist. 

Since then, her unwavering commitment to social change, particularly as a queer Black artist, has been a driving force behind her music. Notably, April's magnetic presence and resonant message have earned her the admiration and respect of renowned artists, brands, and publications alike.

Over the years, April has honed her distinctive bass-forward, edgy funk-pop style, captivating audiences and journalists alike. Hailed as “bass virtuoso” by Alt Press, April has collaborated with dozens of artists over the years, including Grammy winners Pardison Fontaine, Thomas Pridgen, and Tiger X. 

Furthermore, artists like SZA, Willow Smith, Jaden Smith, Questlove, Talib Kweli, Flea, and Chaka Khan have all tipped their hats to April. Beyond her remarkable musicianship, April Kae is a true catalyst for change within the industry. Utilizing her platform, she actively uplifts and empowers marginalized voices, regularly speaking on panels and at events.

April's influence led to her participation in a groundbreaking panel hosted by Fender, which delved into the future of guitar and bass in the music industry, with a specific focus on gender, race, and social media. Her impact extends beyond these platforms, as she collaborates with established and innovative artists and brands, cementing her reputation as a force to be reckoned with.

As a rising star in the entertainment world, April Kae's mastery of the bass, unyielding spirit, and unwavering dedication to her craft position her as the next big sensation to watch. Armed with her signature Fender bass and an ever-growing roster of accolades, it is undeniable that April's resonance in the music world will reverberate for years to come.

Currently, April is shining her light across Europe and the United States, performing with Fever 333 since joining the band in May 2023. 


Guitar Thrills: If you got to this point of the article without reading her BIO, please review it. Outside her accomplishments in the music industry, I noticed that she is a “Change Champion”. We all have reasons to be a catalyst for change. Not all change falls under the same umbrella. It is important to find out why April desires change. What does she feel will improve, once the changes are made. Just some of the questions that we will shed some light on with the April Kae interview. 

Guitar Thrills: Hello April. It is appropriate that we get this opportunity to interview you. First, you are an awesome bass player. You also have impeccable vocals. Which is something we will touch on later in the interview. First, I would like to talk about being a catalyst for change. What areas do you believe change is necessary? Also have you always felt this way? 

April: We all have an impact on the world around us, and each of us gets to choose how we want to use that impact. For me, it’s always been about leaving the world a little more authentic, empowering, and creative than I found it.

Guitar Thrills: What types of changes have you implemented in your life, and how has it benefited you?

April: I am constantly evaluating areas of my life that I want to improve and evolve in. I don’t believe we are ever finished growing and changing. I recently made the decision to relocate from NY to LA. This change is inspiring my art, allowing me to expand how I collaborate, and fostering a deeper connection with my professional relationships that I can now connect with face to face.

Guitar Thrills: Do you feel that being a “Change Champion” is difficult? Many are afraid of change. What are some habits, or traits that can be implemented to enable someone to be comfortable with change?

April: It absolutely doesn’t come without growing pains. Change is never comfortable. You must get comfortable with being uncomfortable, some may call this resilience or developing a growth mindset. Change is inevitable so I have learned to embrace it. Take periods of change day by day, give yourself grace and the space to evolve. After all, you are your harshest critic. Change doesn't happen overnight.  You must trust that even when things feel unstable and your voice is trembling, that you are in the process of evolving into a better version of yourself.

Guitar Thrills: We know we cannot change the habits and character of everyone. One person at a time would be nice. Especially if we can experience the positive results of their actions. Is there a percentage that would be acceptable to you? Or are you hoping to influence everyone?

April: If it were up to me, I would help everyone improve their lives and be the best version of themselves. Our internal thoughts and mindset are our biggest obstacle, not anyone else. So, if I can positively influence how people view themselves and how they show up for themselves, then I am doing my job. 

Guitar Thrills: What sort of message are you able to send through your music? Have you received a positive response?

April: Celebrate yourself. Embrace the real you. Don’t dim parts of yourself to make other people comfortable. You deserve to take up as much space as you need. You are a bada$$ and the world needs you just as you are. I have received an incredible amount of support and positivity. I have an amazing heart-centered community that really uplifts one another and has been extremely receptive to my art.

Guitar Thrills: As an artist, who have been your inspirations for developing your craft? 

April: Prince, St. Vincent, Yves Tumor,Billie Eilish, Betty Davis, Alice Coltrane, Esperanza Spalding,Erykah Badu  ,Florence + The Machiene, Bjork, Kimya Dawson, Fiona Apple, Grace Jones, Jimmi Hendrix, and Patti Smith.

Guitar Thrills: Are you happy with the level of success you have experienced thus far?

April: I am extremely grateful for all the people, places, and experiences I have had so far. I have come so far, and I always try to pause and appreciate the process. I am not done growing, but I am right where I am supposed to be.

Guitar Thrills: Have you been able to identify areas for growth as an artist? 

April: Vulnerability. I care so much about my work that I can often drift into perfectionism. There’s a distance and stiffness I perceive in my own work, that I’ve been breaking down over time. 

By being more vulnerable, I’ll better be able to connect with others, and inspire others through my music and my story.On social media, I will share more unscripted moments. On bass, I will incorporate more improvisation. As a producer, I will learn to DJ so I can share my experience of music with a live audience. As a songwriter, I’m waking up every morning at 5:30 to spill my soul and write the most and produce the most vulnerable songs I can. 

Guitar Thrills: If you do not feel fulfilled as a bassist or singer, do you have a plan or strategy to make it happen? 

April: I don’t just feel fulfilled, I’m overflowing! One of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movies, Waking Life, is “Some people suffer from a lack of life. Some people suffer from an overabundance of life. I’ve always found myself in the second category.”

I have a bounty of beauty as a bassist and singer, as well as in my personal life. But I always want more! More experiences! More adventure! More moments of seeing my own creativity and creativity in general in new and unusual ways. So, I am fulfilled, and I want more!

Guitar Thrills: What can fan of April Kae anticipate happening soon? 

April: I’m moving to LA! So excited to be making lots of music videos, performing with new and exciting artists, getting in the studio! I’ve been writing and producing demos for me more original music and I’m at a place where I’m ready to bring in other musicians. I'm so excited. My management team at CLTR LAB, helmed by Michaella Bloom is also based out of LA so we can’t wait to continue finding innovative ways to expand my community IRL + digitally.

Guitar Thrills: Lastly, I would like some feedback regarding your bass. What brand do you play and why? 

April: I am a precision bass girl all around, and recently fronted a campaign with several qualified bands.

Guitar Thrills: I want to thank you for accepting an interview with me today. I look forward to following up with you soon. Please let us know what we can do to support your progress as a successful artist. 

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