Video and content trends. When do you decide that a change is needed? - Editor Column with guest London Holley.

Posted: July 24, 2023
Guitar Thrills Magazine
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The trend for 2024 revolves around your attention span according to some “experts”. They suggest that you shortened up your videos and make them meaningful. I agree that videos should be meaningful. However, I don’t agree with the attention span of most social media viewers. The purpose behind videos for musicians is to entertain. If you shorten your videos, it means you must cut out important aspects of your video. Which often includes music. In fact, I believe we are going to buck the trend of live videos and revert to the full production videos that have enabled the success of so many artists in the music industry.

I believed that the live video function on social media is just a trend. It was implemented to entice viewers to follow your pages, and spend money for starts, engagement, and boosting. This would fall in line with the ever-changing algorithms. Trend is a nice word to call it. However, I believe it to be a gimmick. Unfortunately, it worked for a time. Now, it’s time for a change. I have tested engagement of full production videos on social media. There is more engagement from professional videos than the previous trends of short clip, live and unedited videos. This reflects change. The previous model of live video broadcast video from social media worked during the pandemic. Afterall, there was a necessity. There were limitations on where and what you could do during the pandemic. Rightfully so. However, now that the pandemic has been reduced to a seasonal virus, it is time to get back to what works.

There is a misconception that social media viewers and fans are entertained with simple memes and video content without substance. This only holds true for those with a limited attention span. Speaking from a perspective of a PR and Booking agent, these short unedited videos from a mobile device are unattractive, distracting, and unprofessional. Social media platforms have accommodated this type of behavior. It isn’t conducive to booking gigs or personal growth as an artist. Years back, professional videos mattered. Social media viewers would take the time to watch them. In fact, in contributed to the success of live streams, and downloads. The live broadcast feature is easy on the pocket and is a cheap solution for those with a limited budget. In the long run, it is better to focus on quality production. Even if they are short features, like a trailer.

We have invited a guest artist to answer some questions regarding this topic. Her name is London Holley.



London was born already vaccinated by the needle from a record player. Between the hair, searing guitars, and powerful songwriting, she finds herself most heavily by the decadence of the Reagan-era Sunset Strip glam metal scene.

While she played guitar for a handful of years in childhood, she transitioned to bass in 2021 to join Phoenix-based theatrical hard-rock band The Sintrics. Since then, the group has seen great success, having traveled the southwest to share stages with names such as Alice Cooper, as Ace Frehley, Geoff Tate, Stryper, and more. Original music (with an accompanying video) has also been released, with a record set to arrive in summer/autumn of 2023. The Sintrics have no plans to slow down.

Even when off the stage, London is still deeply involved in music. She owns and operates her business Copperhead Custom Guitars, creating one-of-one instruments for everyone from local musicians to national icons. Her pride and joy is a 2021 signature build for Steel Panther's very own Satchel.


Hello London. Thank you for being our guest this month. I think you are the ideal person for this subject. It is important to get your feedback. So, what do you think about video trends? How does it impact you as an artist?

The music industry isn't a fixed set of guidelines to take you from a garage band to platinum superstars. It's fluid and almost alive in how frequently it changes. Video trends are 100% a stark example. We're so inundated with demand for quick, clip-like content for social media algorithms that it's hard to know what to deliver to consumers. The one thing that's impossible to deny is that videos remain more impactful than static content (such as photos or boomerangs) when it comes to engaging and building your audience. We have to consistently create and provide to maintain relevance.


What type of videos work for you?

Personally, I'm biased toward the most raw, original form of video content, that being what MTV used to be. I frequently go down the music video rabbit hole and wish I could have seen them live on air. It was the perfect blend of making these artists seem more than human, but relatable, if that makes sense. Seeing these individuals for more extended periods developed connections. However, I can recognize that that's partually nostalgia talking. Speaking in modern terms, what works for me is anything with a good hook. If it's a short video, draw me in fast and make me want to come back for more. If it's long, make me want to stay and watch the rest. It's just like the intro of a good song.


Do you think there will be a different trend for 2024? Have you made any decisions on how you will approach video content moving forward?

I'm sure trends-within-the-trend will shift. Certain audio styles and such. Regardless, the importance of marketing toward the social media generation and all that entails will remain unchanged. We've made our ability to create our own high-quality, varied content an utmost priority. We have profiles on all major social media platforms, we record material both independently and as a band, and what I consider to be most important is that we all study and learn how to make our content professional-grade.


I believe that you must have a specific message or purpose when creating a video. I also believe that it should be done with quality in mind. Do you believe full production videos are more of an asset to you as an artist?

In their own right, absolutely. Humans are visual creatures, and an attractive, well-made video (with substance behind it) entrances audiences for a reason. It also adds an air of professionalism that you need when clawing your way up the music industry food chain. However, that comes at an expense. I'm fortunate that my band did well enough to budget for our "Lady Dynamite" music video, but unfortunately, so many artists don't have the resources. We're definitely not filthy-rich rock stars, ourselves, so we compensate by investing in our ability to "DIY" quality productions (ring lights, people… can't say enough).


Off topic, but we would like to know what you are working on in the studio. Are you working on any new releases that we can talk about?

I am! Our recent singles "Lady Dynamite" and "Help Me Now" are teasers from our upcoming record, Act One, which we're looking to release in fall of this year. It's a chronological piece, very theatrical, and I can't wait for you all to hear it. I'm also thrilled to be able to tell you that we're working on a single for the following record already, produced by none other than the rock 'n' roll queen Lita Ford. It's an honor and a pleasure to be working with someone I've looked up to since childhood.


I want to thank you for being our guest for this month. We would like to have you interview for a future issue. Would that work for you?

The pleasure's all mine! I would love to come back whenever you're willing to have me.

One thing that is certain in the music industry is trends. Do they work, or are they just created around a social media algorithm or financial gain? Well, that is something worth pondering. However, I have a strong opinion that the content of videos will change. The quality of videos will change, and the amount of money that it will cost you will increase. Viewers and fans will demand it. They want to be entertained at your expense. Which is reasonable to conclude. So stretch out your wallet and make room for the amount of money it will cost you moving forward. While expensive, it will be worth the Investment.

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